Big White Wall
A safe online community of people who are anxious, down or not coping who support and help each other by sharing what’s troubling them, guided by trained professionals.
Available 24/7, Big White Wall is completely anonymous so you can express yourself freely and openly. Professionally trained Wall Guides ensure the safety and anonymity of all members.
In summary; Big White Wall is a social media site for people with depression and other mental health issues. The biggest backer in the UK is the NHS.
I has been working here since the summer of 2014. Intially I was brought in to help build the new home page but was kept on for the general maintenance, email builds, upkeep and modernisation of the site.
Big White Wall hosts its site on an IIS/dot net platform. Whilst working on the site i have used HTML (HTML 5 and XHTML) CSS (2 and 3) Javascript, jquery, BootStrap, Foundation, Sass, GIT, SVN, Visual Studio, and photoshop. The sign up procedure has been modernisied and is responsive and built in bootstrap.